Free Network Assessment
Our Free Network Assessments are designed to discover the truth of your IT environments. When you partner with us, we’ll provide an in-depth analysis you can use to adapt or deploy new technologies, making your environment more reliable, scalable, optimal and secure.
Our ‘Free Network Assessments’ offer is valid until December 31, 2024.
Some exclusions/restrictions may apply.

LA Networks can assist you in identifying vulnerabilities in your environment so that you can proactively protect against potential attacks. We will assess your proficiency in IT security policies, processes, and procedures, offering insights into areas of strength and areas needing improvement.
Additionally, we can offer guidance through a strategic security roadmap to help inform project and resource planning.

Network Assessment
It usually begins with the realization that your organization’s IT systems have expanded to the point where it’s challenging to keep track of network activities. You may suspect the root cause of the issues but to confirm it, a comprehensive analysis of all network components is needed. Additionally, before initiating any major network implementation, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your infrastructure, systems, and processes
Consider assessing your network before making major changes, such as transitioning to the cloud or introducing a new site. It’s also a good idea to assess your network if your technology is aging or if you’re unsure about its current state. Completing the assessment well in advance of any planned changes will allow time for thorough analysis and implementation of necessary improvements.
Our ‘Free Network Assessments’ offer is valid until December 31, 2024.

Network Assessment Scope
LA Networks engineers will work with you to discover, document, and understand your overall network, including WAN, LAN, and WLAN. This will include accessing and reviewing your network hardware to be sure we understand the configuration details sufficiently to come up with solid recommendations.
What is Included:
- Review of WAN
- Review of LAN
- Review of WLAN
- Determine Lifecycle Status of Network Hardware
- Provide Network Recommendations

Why LA Networks?
We closely collaborate with clients to understand their needs and provide tailored solutions. Our highly skilled experts stay updated with the latest IT security and technology trends to deliver innovative and effective solutions. We take pride in exceptional customer service and offer 24/7 support to keep your business running smoothly. Our team is always available to address your inquiries and offer assistance whenever you require it.
This offer is valid till December 31, 2024. Some exclusions/restrictions may apply.
Fill out the form below to discuss and schedule your Free Network Assessment